Family of the Year
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Family of the Year
(Washashore Records)
(Washashore Records)
Family of the Year are a bit like a Russ Meyer film… as much fun as a Slip ‘N Slide, but nothing you’d need to hide from your friends. Their debut LP, Songbook, displays a band that might not be exactly sure where they want to go, but with as many options as the fingers and toes of all six members. Most prominent are those tracks that could serve as sing-along anthems for hipster beach parties, like “Let’s Go Down.” Most impressive, however, are numbers like opener “Feel Good Track of Rosemead,” which have a twee coyness paired with a Folk soul. And then there are those ballads that could melt the hearts of any teenager who owns a copy of Dharma Bums (“Summer Girl” and “No Good at Nothing”). There’s even a synth-enhanced dance rock number or two (“Castoff” and “Psyche or Like Scope”). – Izzy Cihak
Not sold on Family of the Year yet? Check out just who inspires them with their picks for the top three songs of 2009:
Lily Allen - "Not Fair"
So perfect. She has such a unique perspective and is doing something completely new. And how many times have you been in the position where you want to tell someone "It's not fair, and I think you're really mean?" Thank you, Lily Allen for giving us a song to love and hate a past lover with.
Phoenix - "1901"
We've been big Phoenix fans for a while and have loved all their releases but they've really outdone themselves this time. The amount of dance parties held in honor of this song on our RV is probably in the 40s by now.
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - "Home"
We have the pleasure of currently touring with these guys and this song is so damn catchy and perfect. Again, a band that is doing something completely new and, moreover, completely epic.
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